The Best Crystals for Clearing Your Energy

The idea that we only have one chance at a clean slate each year is absurd. We're in control of our energy and feel when we need a reset. Here are the best crystals for cleansing your energy and getting a fresh start whenever you need one. 


A must-have for crystal practice, this frosty white stone is the ultimate cleanser for your mind, body, spirit, and stones. Named after the Greek word for moon, Selene, this rock's ability to naturally draw out negative energies makes it a powerful stone in your toolbox. Known as a purifier, you can find selenite in a variety of forms, bowls, polished stones, and plates. My favorite is the wand. Tracing over each chakra, you can choose to remove blockages with a releasing mantra. 


Citrine is the enemy of bad vibes. This sunny stone repels negative energy effortlessly and never absorbs it, which means it never has to be cleansed. This stone can be used to encourage positivity and happiness by speaking affirmations. It can also create a bright and inviting aura when placed in rooms. 


Desert Rose

A beautiful stone to draw out your inner beauty, the desert rose is twisted with intricacies just like the inner mind. This stone is meant to calm, refresh, and rejuvenate the mind by bringing balance and clarity. Hold this crystal in meditation or place it in your space to encourage harmony and mental balance. 


Available in a variety of cuts and colors, there's an agate for everyone. Known as a stone of transformation, agate cleanses and stabilizes auras, calming tension and turning negativity into serenity. Agate is a popular option for jewelry, key chains, and statement pieces, making it an easy choice for daily practice. 

Rainbow Moonstone

As the stone of new beginnings, rainbow moonstone inspires inner growth and strength, making it the perfect companion for reinventing yourself. This spotted crystal is also said to improve intuition and good fortune. To show it your love, place it under the moonlight to recharge.


Tiktok gave this stone a bad rep. I am here to tell you that this forest-green beauty will not ruin your life. It'll change it for the better. Often called the stone of transformation, malachite is extremely powerful. Incorporating it into your practice is like giving your energy a deep clean. You can make this stone a daily companion and carry it around when you need a little extra clarity or healing. 

White Calcite

If you need an energy detox, white calcite is the go-to stone. Known as the stone of purification, hold this stone close in meditation, and it will remove heavy negative energies that can weigh down your mind and spirit.

Crystal practice takes more than just buying stones. To see the effects and benefits, you’ll have to do some of the work too. The good news is half of the task is believing in the stone and its properties. If you can get on board there, you’re at a great place to consider starting. Also, keep in mind that each crystal is unique, and in time you’ll find the ones that work well for you, but each also has a specific way to be loved and cared for. At the end of the day, your relationship with your stones relies on respect and understanding on both ends. 


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