Poppies, Pilates, and Patience

Remember how I said new year's resolutions were overrated? Well, I failed at not one but two. I can officially knock fluent in another language and read a book a month off my list, but that's okay because I decided that I don't want to accomplish just two goals for the year. I'd rather hit three every month. So at the start of March, I took a good look at myself with my mind's eye. Here's what I saw:

  1. I am not as intentional with the products I am using on my body as I once was. 

  2. I am not loving the way I feel in my body OR the way my body feels. 

  3. I am not allowing my mind the space it needs to recoup. 

I've spent the past few months in a fever dream, believing my body is a self-sustaining well-oiled machine, and while that once felt true, it does not anymore. I guess we can call this my quarter-life crisis. Regardless of age, our bodies need us to care for them. Everything from the foods we eat to the hours we spend on screens affects our bodies. This is me putting up a symbolic and soapy poppy to signal the end of the war I feel like I am having with my body. 

Poppies are bright red soft-petaled flowers most commonly known for their symbolic reference to remembrance, sacrifice, and gratitude. Their seeds also taste great with lemon curd or sprinkled on the tops of bagels and work as a surprising skincare ingredient.  

I hadn't tried poppy in skincare until I started coming to Sugared and saw a poppy-infused soap bar on the shelves. Poppy seeds are a great exfoliant when washed and incorporated properly, and when paired with lemongrass, the bright and citrus-like smell, and soft scrub are the perfect pick-me-up to get your day going. I, however, prefer something a little warmer and sultry, and I find that, strangely enough, in the smell of coffee. Lucky for me, Sugared offers that combo too. 

Taking extra care with the products I am using is just one piece of this month's puzzle. I also gave in to the TikTok hype and started trying low-impact, no equipment needed, pilates at home to get my body moving. It's made such a big difference. Not only does my body feel so much better and a lot less creaky, but it also forces me to plan my days so that I have enough time to fit a quick 20-minute session in. It even helped me start to tackle my mind space issue. It's a break from work, screens, and my never-ending inbox where I bend, breathe, and start to believe I can make it through the rest of my day, maybe even the first fifteen minutes of tomorrow.

Now let’s be clear, I am in no way saying you should spend the first week of April being self critical, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to slow down a check in with yourself every once in a while. It’s also a good idea to spend a little time doing some symbolic housekeeping.


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